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Muzhir Ihsan
Moh Romli
Maulana Firdaus
Maulana Firdaus (NIM: 1415.04.003). Effects of Charismatic Leadership on Stakeholder Work Ethics
This study aims to determine the effect of charismatic leadership on stakeholder work ethics. This research was conducted at Modern Man Ana Islamic Boarding School, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency. The research method used is a type of inferential research with a quantitative approach with research subjects are the Principals of Modern Man Ana Islamic Boarding Schools and respondents of this study are all stakeholders of the Modern Man Ana Islamic Boarding Schools. Sampling is done by non-probability sampling technique that is with saturated samples. Data collection using the questionnaire method and unstructured interviews. Analysis of the data used in this study was a descriptive analysis of respondents, a descriptive statistical analysis of variables, an assumption test using the normality test, and a hypothesis test using simple linear regression analysis, the t-test and the coefficient of determination test (∆R2).
The results of the study which were processed using the SPSS computer program version 16.0 for windows showed that the results of hypothesis testing using simple linear regression analysis showed that charismatic leadership had a positive effect on stakeholder work ethics in Modern Man Ana Islamic Boarding School, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency. This is evidenced by the beta coefficient (β) of 0.269 and a significance value of 0.034. The contribution of charismatic leadership influence to the work ethic of stakeholders of (∆R2) 0.168 or 16.8% (significant influence) can be proven by stakeholders and students have been able to achieve achievements that boast both academic and nonacademic.
The application of charismatic leadership to the work ethic of stakeholders in Modern Man Ana Islamic Boarding School, Pamijahan Sub-district, Bogor Regency is seen from 4 aspects of charismatic leadership implemented by the leadership of Modern Man Ana Islamic Boarding School in daily life, namely among them: ability, self confidence, confidence, and environmental sensitivity.
Charismatic leadership positively influences stakeholder work ethic at Modern Man Ana Islamic Boarding School, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency. This is evidenced by the regression coefficient of 0.269, indicating that if charismatic leadership increases by 0.269; the stakeholder work ethic increases by 0.269; t count 2,249> t table 2.059 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that the charismatic leadership variable (X) influences the stakeholder work ethic variable (Y). Significance value of 0.034 <0.05 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that the charismatic leadership variable (X) influences the stakeholder work ethic variable (Y).