Author Guideline
Guide to Submitting Articles
To submit an article manuscript in a scientific journal that uses the OJS platform, the author registers as an author in that journal. How to register as a writer can how to register CLICK Here. If you have registered, please log in on the journal page then follow the submission process until it's finished. The following is an example of the steps:
1. When the author has successfully logged in, the author can immediately click the "Make a New Submission" link or search for it in the main navigation (navbar) in the "About" section then click "Submissions".

2. Select the section the author is going to namely the "Article" or "review" section. If there is additional information to be submitted to the editor, please fill in the comment box to the editor. If there is none, it can be left blank. When finished, click the “Save and continue” button.

3. After that the author will be immediately directed to the "Upload Submission File" dialog box, then upload the author's manuscript file by clicking the "Upload File" button then looking for the file in the repository or (drag and drop) the file into the box with the dotted line border like the image below. After successful upload, the "Continue" button will be active. The author cannot continue if no files have been successfully uploaded.

4. Next Go to the uploaded file review dialog box. The author can see again whether the uploaded file is correct. Click the "Continue" button if it is deemed correct.

5. Apart from article manuscripts, you can also add supporting files, for example output calculations or data sets. To upload these additional files, the author can click the "Upload File" button and then upload the required files with the same steps as uploading the manuscript of the article earlier.

6. For example, in this example the author adds one supporting file, namely the data set, so two files will be submitted which we can check in the "Submission Files" section. After all the files that the author will send have been uploaded, please click the "Save and continue" button.

7. The next step is to fill in the article manuscript metadata. Please type the title of the author's article in the "Title" box. Then enter the abstract in the "Abstract" box.

8. If there is a second author or contributor, please click the "Add Contributor" button.
Please fill in the identity of the author or additional contributors, including full name, email, and country of origin.

9. Select the role of the contributor that the author entered, as writer or translator. Check the correspondence section if the person acting as the primary author or correspondent for this submission. After all the required data is filled in correctly, end by clicking the "Save" button.
Then enter keyword the author's article per word keyword then press "enter", repeat until all keywords are entered.

9. In the "References" box, enter all references in the author's article. Please note that only cited references are included, either in this box or in the author's article. End this step by clicking the “Save and continue” button.

10. Next is a confirmation dialog that the script and data are ready to be uploaded. Please Click the “Finish Submission” button to execute it.
11. A final confirmation dialog box will appear asking if the author is sure to submit? Click "OK" if you agree.
12. Congratulations, the author has successfully completed the entire submission process. Now the author is just waiting for the editor's response which will proceed to the next stage or get rejected.

Thus the Article Submit Guide regarding the process of how to submit articles in the scientific journal Primer Edukasi Journal.