Nayla Sarah
Visual communication da'wah is defined as activities carried out to convey information or messages inviting to do good and forbidding evil in accordance with the guidelines in the Qur'an and as-Sunnah, by utilizing visual communication media. The purpose of this research is to interpret da'wah messages, and the effectiveness of visual communication as a da'wah media among young adults. Data collection techniques obtained through documentation, interviews and observation. For primary data, interviews were conducted directly by the researcher to the informants in order to get clarity on what the researcher wanted to explore. Secondary data was obtained by accessing articles and books related to this research topic. The selection of informants was carried out using a purposive sampling technique with certain criteria. The data is then analyzed according to Miles and Huberman. In conclusion, mad'u realized that he had changed attitudes, perceptions and actions after seeing the da'wah of visual communication. And the quality, clarity of meaning and the language used are very influential in achieving the message.
Copyright (c) 2023 Nayla Sarah
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