Peer reviews assist editors in making editorial decisions and through editorial communications with authors can also assist authors in improving papers.

Manuscripts submitted online to the JOURNAL OF MODERN ISLAM REVIEW will be reviewed by the editors regarding scope, in-house style, plagiarism. Manuscripts that meet the requirements of the JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC REVIEW MODERN will proceed to the review process which will at least be reviewed by a reviewer with a double blind commitment. Reviewers are journal partners of experts with an interest in the journal field. The editor will send an e-mail to the selected reviewer regarding the title and contents of the manuscript, as well as an invitation to log into the journal's website to complete the review process. Reviewers log on to the journal's website to approve reviews, download manuscripts, post comments, and provide recommendations. The review process by the reviewer is carried out at least in two weeks. The results will be returned to the author for further action. Eligible papers will be published in Indonesian or English.

Any short-listed author who feels unqualified to review research reported in a manuscript or knows that immediate correction is not possible should notify the editor and withdraw from the review process.

Any manuscripts received for review are treated as confidential documents, not to be shown or discussed with others unless authorized by the editor.

Objectivity Standards
The review is carried out objectively. Reviewers express their views clearly with supporting arguments.

Source of Acknowledgments
Reviewers identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the author. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument has been previously reported must be accompanied by a relevant citation. The reviewer calls the editor's attention to any substantial similarities or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and other published papers.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review are kept confidential and not used for personal gain. The reviewer will act objectively and not enter into any conflict of interest whether involving competition, cooperation, or any other relationship or relationship with the author, company, or any institution associated with the paper.