SAHID DA'WATII2024-12-23T07:44:49+00:00Testa Pradia Journal Systems<p><strong>Sahid Da'watii Journal</strong> is a journal of the Islamic Broadcasting Communication Studies Program Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences which contains theoretical and empirical articles or studies related to Islamic broadcasting as well as the development of information technology that supports the development of da'wah. Studies in journals can be in the form of research reports, phenomena and literature research regarding Islamic da'wah in the field of community empowerment and improving information facilities and community literacy in the field of Islamic communication and broadcasting in the global era.</p> ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW IN HANDLING CYBER CRIME CASES2024-07-17T11:28:53+00:00Wahyu Rifqi Mohammad Rangga Syahida<p><em>Cybercrime is a crime committed through computer networks as the main tool of the perpetrator in carrying out his actions. This type of cybercrime includes several illegal activities such as hacking, phishing, ransomware, malware, identity theft, and so on. Cybercrime has become a global threat that requires international cooperation to overcome. Cybersecurity is currently a fundamental thing that must be considered by the community or government. A weak cyber security system will become the target of hackers in carrying out their actions. Not only that, the weak law enforcement in handling this case is also a gap for hackers to always do their actions. Therefore, various instruments such as conventions on cyber crime, international law, and international cooperation are the main weapons in dealing with cyber crime. In this article, the author will analyze how the role of international law in dealing with cybercrime cases, including existing mechanisms and instruments as well as the challenges faced and the effectiveness of international cooperation in fighting cybercrime networks. This research aims to find out the role of international law in handling cybercrime cases, challenges in the application of international law, international legal instruments and the effectiveness of international cooperation. This research uses a qualitative approach with document analysis and case studies to explore the effectiveness and weaknesses of international law in dealing with cyber crime. The results found that the role of international law is still not maximized due to various challenges in its implementation, but with Indonesia not ratifying the Budapest Convention, this hampers the role of international legal instruments in tackling cyber crime cases in Indonesia. Despite this, the role of international law is still needed to maximize the opportunities for international cooperation carried out by the authorities in fighting cybercrime cases.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Rifqi Febrian, Raden Mohammad Rangga Faturrahman, Hannah Syahida Rahmadina, Fitra Deni DISTRIBUTION OF DIGITAL LITERACY AMONG JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN PAMIJAHAN DISTRICT2024-12-23T07:23:03+00:00Welinda Mardiatamawelindamardiatama74@gmail.comFebri Palupi Muslikhah Ernawatiernahazil@gmail.comDiadji<p><em>Advances in internet technology have made it easier for people to communicate and access information, making digital literacy an important skill in the digital era. Digital literacy involves technical skills to access media, critical understanding to analyze content, and communicative skills to participate and create through social media. This research aims to analyze the frequency distribution of digital literacy among junior high school students in Pamijahan District. Data shows that the majority of respondents have a high level of digital literacy (40.1%), while the rest range from moderate to very low. Even though students are generally able to use social media actively, their understanding of risks such as the spread of fake news and cybercrime still needs to be improved. Research has shown that having good digital literacy helps students to sort information better, but improvements in digital ethics and safety are still needed to minimize the negative impacts of digital media use among teenagers.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Welinda Mardiatama, Febri Palupi Muslikhah , Erna Ernawati OF MUHADHARAH EXTRA-CURRICULAR PROGRAM WITH CIPP MODEL AT CONTEXT AND INPUT STAGE AT SMP RIADUL FALLAH BOGOR2024-12-23T07:30:35+00:00Tita<p><em>The muhadharah program is an extracurricular activity held at the Riadul Fallah Islamic State Integrated Middle School (SMP IT) in Bogor Regency. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the muhadharah activity program with the CIPP model at the Context and Input stages. The type of research is qualitative with data collection methods through interviews and documentation. The informants determined were the principal, muhadharah instructors, and student representatives. The results of the study showed that the evaluation of the Muhadharah Context Program at SMP IT Riadul Fallah was motivated by the needs of the local environment and in accordance with the school's vision and mission. Meanwhile, the input evaluation showed that the program was held in accordance with the objectives and planning followed by all students in turn. The evaluation results recommended that the program be continued.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tita Hasanah, Ade Kartika OF TIKTOK SOCIAL MEDIA USE FOR THE ALPHA GENERATION IN CIBUNGBULANG DISTRICT2024-12-23T07:34:20+00:00Rachmi Fidhara Noer Taufik Palupi Muslikhah Pradia Nirwana<p><em>This research aims to determine the intensity of use of TikTok social media among the Alpha generation, especially in Cibungbulang District. TikTok, which is a popular platform among teenagers, offers a variety of features that support interaction, entertainment and creativity. This research uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive design to describe the relationship between motives, duration and frequency of TikTok use by junior high school (SMP) students in Cibungbulang District. Data was collected through questionnaires distributed directly to 40 respondents using a purposive sampling technique, which was then analyzed using SPSS and the Pearson correlation test. The research results showed that the majority of students (57.5%) had a low level of intensity of using TikTok, followed by 22.5% of students with high intensity, 17.5% very low, and 2.5% very high. The use of TikTok is more dominant in the frequency indicator, which reaches 50%, followed by motives for use (25%) and duration (25%). This research confirms that the intensity of social media use, which is influenced by motive, duration and frequency, has a significant influence on the Alpha generation's habits of using TikTok as a means of entertainment, communication and social identity formation</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rachmi Fidhara Noer Taufik , Febri Palupi Muslikhah, Testa Pradia Nirwana PERCEPTION OF THE PUBLIC TOWARDS ADIAN NAPITUPULU AS A LEGISLATIVE MEMBER OF ELECTORAL DISTRICT IV OF BOGOR REGENCY2024-12-23T07:38:29+00:00Rizki Maulana rizkimaulana19071995@gmail.comTitien Yusnita Ernawati<p><em>This research aims to determine the Sundanese community's perception of a leader who is an immigrant and not a native of the Sundanese tribe. This research method uses qualitative. Case study approach. This research involved informants from the Bogor Regency community who live in Electoral District IV Bogor Regency and consisted of aid recipients, Adian Napitupulu's success team, religious leaders and community leaders. The results of this research are that the people in electoral district IV Bogor Regency have a positive view of Adian Napitupulu's performance as a member of the Legislature. Adian Napitupulu has effectively represented the interests of the community in parliament. Adian Napitupulu has been active in fighting for policies that are beneficial for the electoral district IV of Bogor Regency, both related to infrastructure and other social issues. Positive perceptions related to integrity, commitment and honesty</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Maulana, Titien Yusnita , Erna Ernawati RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ELECTRONIC WORD OF MOUTH AND THE DECISION TO PURCHASE THRIFTING PRODUCTS ON INSTAGRAM SOCIAL MEDIA2024-12-23T07:42:26+00:00Zulham El Raihan raihan.zulhamel@gmail.comFebri Falupi Muslikhah Pradia Nirwana<p><em>The increasingly rapid development of technology and information, the concept of informal communication such as online discussions has developed until the term E-WOM (electronic word of mouth) emerged. Apart from that, E-WOM allows a consumer to determine whether to buy a product from a brand and find out the advantages or disadvantages. This product. The presence of thrifting makes it an alternative, especially for teenagers, to be able to get fashion according to their tastes. The quality offered by thrifting sellers is no less competitive than other new clothing. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine the relationship between electronic word of mouth and the decision to purchase thrifting products on Instagram social media. This research uses quantitative methods. The sampling technique used was non-probability purposive sampling, the sample taken was 35 public respondents who had seen or bought thrifting products on Instagram. The data collection method used a questionnaire via Google Form. The results of the research show that there is a significant relationship between electronic word of mouth and the decision to purchase thrifting products on Instagram social media.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Zulham El Raihan , Febri Falupi Muslikhah, Testa Pradia Nirwana OF DAKWAH: CONCEPT ANALYSIS IN ONTOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE2024-12-23T07:44:49+00:00Aldi Surizkika<p><em>This study aims to analyze the concept of wasilah da'wah in an ontological structure with special emphasis on the theoretical framework of Islamic turās. Wasilah da'wah, also known as media or means, plays an important role in improving the efficiency of da'wah activists in carrying out their duties. However, a lack of understanding of the nature of wasilah da'wah is one of the factors causing the lack of effectiveness and efficiency in da'wah. Previous research has focused more on the epistemology and axiology aspects of waṣīlah al-da'wah, but not much on the basic concept (ontology) in the conceptual framework of Islamic turās. This research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis as its research design. Data and findings were obtained from primary sources collected through document analysis from relevant literature books, journals, theses, dissertations, conference papers, and magazines. Thematic analysis was used to identify, analyze, and interpret patterns in qualitative data. The results of this study reveal that wasilah da'wah is a means that brings people closer to the purpose of da'wah. In the current era of the information and communication revolution, the use of modern media provides great opportunities for preachers to spread the message of Islam effectively. In their duty as messengers of Allah, preachers must utilize these technological advances wisely. This research provides a deeper theoretical understanding of the concept of wasilah da'wah within the framework of Islamic turās. It is hoped that this research can contribute to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of da'wah, as well as enriching the discourse of da'wah science related to the concept of wasilah.</em></p>2024-12-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Aldi Surizkika